Friday, March 31, 2006

Solar Eclipse

I have been kept unexpectedly busy this afternoon so I have not had time to blog all i wanted to fact it's past my hometime and i've got to start fighting my internet addiction and go home at hometime. I will part with a beautiful picture of the
eclipse, which was full in Turkey on the 29th.

From Africa

SOLAR - Phillip Hawkins

Suspended lion face
Spilling at the centre
Of an unfurnished sky
How still you stand,
And how unaided
Single stalkless flower
You pour unrecompensed.

The eye sees you
Simplified by distance
Into an origin,
Your petalled head of flames
Continuously exploding.
Heat is the echo of yourGold.

Coined there among
Lonely horizontals
You exist openly.
Our needs hourly
Climb and return like angels.
Unclosing like a hand,
You give for ever.

Thursday, March 30, 2006

US Army desperate for recruits??

First glance at BBC when I got to work....Classic!

1. Scientists are developing an "emotion sensor" to show if someone is finding your conversation interesting or not.

2. besidethe article below there's a photo with this statement "The Iraq war has put off some potential army recruits" ....duh!!

US Army redraws its tattoo policy

The US Army has relaxed its policy on tattoos in a bid to boost the number of new recruits to its ranks.
Soldiers can now have tattoos on their hands and back of the neck as long as they are not "extremist, indecent, sexist or racist," army officials say.
Women recruits can also wear permanent eye-liner, eyebrows and lip makeup, although it must "not be trendy".
An army official said it made no sense any more to bar highly-qualified people on the basis of their body art.
Tattoos and permanent make-up have become increasingly popular among young men and women in the US in recent years.

'Unfit for duty'

"The army is America. We are America's sons and daughters. American's sons and daughters are getting tattoos," Lt Col Bryan Hilferty at the Pentagon said.
"The army is continuing to update our personnel policies. We have people who are otherwise qualified who want to serve and who have answered the call to duty."
Tattoos on the head, face or throat area will continue to be banned, and any sexist, racist or gang tattoo makes potential recruits "unfit for duty", Lt Hilferty stressed.
Permanent make-up "should be conservative and complement the uniform and complexion in both style and colour and will not be trendy," the regulations read.
The US army was 7,000 short of its target of recruiting 80,000 new soldiers last year.
Army officials admitted the shortfall has been caused partly by a wariness among young people of having to serve in Iraq.

My mind boggles at how permanent make-up can not be trendy...but maybe thats just me! At least I know I could be in the US army with my tattoo, although could I?...maybe a fairy is sexist...I wonder where they draw the line? Hah!

Wednesday, March 29, 2006


Hello fellow travellers!

Dave once had this inspiring poem folded up in his pocket and I loved it, and blogged it on my previous blog but i think it is time for a repeat before I go on with news and photo's of the weekend! How amazing to be able to think and live like this?

By Max Ehrmann

Go placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.

As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.

If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.

Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.

Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.

Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.

Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.

With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.

So now for the weekend...I had an awesome night on Friday night with Tatiana and some of her colleagues at 12 Bar in Tottenham Court Road. Her friend and neighbour who was playing acoustic guitar along with a Cello player that evening was absolutely brilliant. It reminded me a lot of Mike's style and brought back some special memories. It was great to catch up with Tati! I have to see her more often! Jo joined us later in the evening and we caught the tube home, singing & skipping all the way to, through and from the stations in true fairy style! Sometimes people look at us as if we're crazy& shake their head in disgust at how we could be so childish and so happy....but most smile and are warm, friendly and chatty which, as many londonners will tell you, is very very rare!

On Saturday Jo & I decided to go to a spring 'festival' at Oxo Towers in Southbank. There was a sculpture of Flora, the Godess of Spring and everyone got to make multi-coloured paper flowers which was to make her dress. Click here for more info since i suck at explaining.

Jo & I, with the not so pretty yet Flora!

Blue & white lights in the trees along the Southbank of the Thames! (photo does no justice)

We met up with Bryony and after sitting in HA!HA! Bar in embankment for a while were we met Jodene's Argentinian friend we headed off to Farringdon. We ended up in quite a posh bar/club, me in jeans & soaking wet boots!!! I don't want to do that again! I don't specially like posh places but if I'm going to go to them I must be dressed for them I reckon..maybe it's just my ego but i just felt so unattractive...but then i was having an shitty ugly day too. Oh POOR ME...he he he! On the way home we debated with a dude on the bus and convinced him the the clocks went back and not forward. I cannot figure out this daylight savings thing, confuses the crap outta me. I started making sense of it by going " but if the sun rises earlier..." and then Jo interupted me with her own theory and I believed her!! Anyway we found out on sunday that our clocks were 2 hours behind...

London at dusk on a rainy spring day. Giant dildo...errr oops..i mean Gherkin on the right, could it be St Pauls on the left?

I didn't get to going to Bryony's on Sunday to plan our bad, I was too lazy! It was the first time in so long that Jo & I just chilled at home. Johnny, my housemate, put up a shelf in our room which we painted 'plum' which is more like pink and doesn't look too bad with my maroon and yellow bedding! We now have space to both stand next to my bed at the same time....woohoo!! I adore having my JoJo in my room!! Wouldn't have it any other way!

Well time to get to gym! After not going for about 3 weeks my muscles are aching from Mondays poor attempt at a Cardio workout! Am I a moaner today, or what???

Love to all you weird & wonderful creatures xoxoxo

Can't upload any bl**dy photos today!! Sorry!

Monday, March 27, 2006

Thomas's Monday Morning Poetry

Good morning all,

The sun was a scorcher yesterday. I am living proof of this because it burned the beharikrishna out of me while I was fishing.

To be a fisherman, one has to be an optimist. If one wasn’t an optimist, then one wouldn’t repeat an experience of fishing for five hours and catching nothing, returning home sunburned with one’s hands smelling of pilchard. When one arrives home, the question is usually asked; “Catch any fish?”

One usually replies; “No, but I had a couple of bites.” Which means nothing,other than the fact that a fish actually took one’s bait and you failed to hook it. Failure. Failure to catch that f*#king fish. I’ve heard of people using dynamite to catch fish. Sounds sensible to me. Thoughts of fishing in an aquarium also come to mind. With dynamite. Can’t fail.

And now for another fishing poem….

What to Do with the Butt of Your
Fly Rod after the Tip Is Broken

Greg Keeler.

Did you get your fly hung up
then, while trying to free it,
snap the tip on your fly rod?
Don't panic. There's still time
to make things right:the fly rod has a butt
doesn't it? Well. break
the butt of the fly rod
over your knee

Did your child snap the tip
from your fly rod
while trying to poke
a badmitten birdie
out of a tree?Now's your chance
to give that special
little lesson in ethics
Don't hit the child.
Just remove the broken tip
from the fly rod and break
the butt of the fly rod
over your knee.

Did your fishing partner
knock your fly rod
on the ground and then
when you yelled, "Watch Out!"
turn around and say, "What?"and step on the tip
of your fly rod?
Well, when your fishing partner says,
"Sorry,"and offers to pay,
just say, "Oh no, that's o.k."and break
the butt of the fly rod
on your knee.

Tootle pip.

Friday, March 24, 2006


Well, it's nearly weekend again!! YAAAAAAAY! I left for work green with envy this morning...Jo was still lying all warm and cuddled, sleeping in my bed!! Tomorrow, tomorrow I can sleep in!!!

I stumbled upon some crazy & amazing pics on BBC this morning when I got to work and discovered that i have absolutely no work to do, check them out here. I think you think i'm joking when i say I have no work...but i'm not. Do you know what my day NORMALLY consists of?
1. Getting the coffee machine going
2. Checking the fax machine
3. Photocopying the 'bonds page' of the Financial Times
4. Filing it.
5. Answering a max of 10 phonecalls
6. Opening post (seldom more than 10 items)
7. Entering post on excel spreadsheet
8. Distributing post
Of course sometimes there's excitement, like a bit of typing from the boss, or gossip from the supervisor, or going to buy biscuits for the office, or making coffee for a board meeting, or ordering courier men, or filing, or posting stuff, or putting together a tender document (only happened twice in the year i've been here). Can't believe I've been here for a year!

I've been spoilt with having the internet at work! I am involved in so many different groups & forums( being my fave..I have so much to say, but sometimes just can't spit it out). I'm even on dating sites, have been for years more for my amusement than anything else(don't laugh too hard....not telling which ones!) & I'm forever looking up pictures & info on all the places i would like to travel to. There's only one or two people that i feel like i should be in contact with but am not, the rest of you i have pretty regular email sessions with. I am thoroughly spoilt...and weirdly it makes me feel trapped because what happens when i travel again, or simply don't have time to keep in contact like i do now? Do I lose friends? Or, worse still do i feel inadequate?? Aah, the beautiful curse of technology!! can I describe my life at the moment?? Insanely exciting, extremely busy, chaotic, complex and way too much on the go at once. Sadly, at some stage I'm gonna have to let go of bits of my social life and actually get my ass into action. That means less time with you guys, less time blogging, less time emailing, less time on the internet and more time locked up in my little room with my Sociology studies, Spanish CD's & Backpacker Business Plan. For those of you have filled out my backpacker survey, thank you! For those of you who haven't yet...please, I need all the feedback I can get, click HERE.

Did I ever mention that I'm over Tuna sandwiches for lunch and beans & toast with sweet chilli sauce for dinner? My latest craving is Benjies Chicken Ceasar Salad for lunch and dinner, well, a variety. Jo & I normally cook up a massive Veggie Soup, Chicken Stirfry, LIDL vegetarian pizza ( with loads of mozzarella), spaghetti bolognaise or -a lot of the time- toast with peanut butter! Duncan, one of Mike's old mates from PE came over for chicken stirfry last night, and to meet Jo! Twas cool to see him, I reckon we may have to initiate him by taking him to his first trance party ever sometime!

Cat, Jo & I almost have our trip to Prague and Budapest booked for August, we are paying on Monday!! Kitty Cat is like a precious and rare hobbity organised fairy angel...she just whips up an option 1, 2 or 3 and all we have to do it choose which we prefer. So I think we've agreed on this one:

Friday 11th Aug 18:30pm Gatwick to Prague
Monday 14th Aug (am) Prague to Budapest via train
Thurs 17th Aug (am) Budapest to Ozora Festival via bus
Sunday 20th (am) Ozora to Budapest to airport to catch 17:00pm flight
We will have to leave at like 9am from the festival to make sure we have enough time to get to the airport etc

It's all costing under £300 including campsites & hostels! Except Jo & I don't have that pretty Irish passport that Kitty has, which means we have to apply for visa's for both Hungary & Czech... Oh Bozo, remind me, I need you to translate the Instructions on how and where to catch the bus from Budapest to the Ozora's all in Hungarian! And you need to teach me more than the 4 hungarian words I know!!!

I'm going to meet up with Tatiana tonight, her friend is playing aucoustic guitar in Tottenham Court Road, and I haven't spent time with her for ages cos she's been in Australia and back home in Brazil. She's one of the most positive and vibey people I know! I'm sure she can give me plenty of travel tips...I'm going to Bryony's on Sunday to start planning our trip. Fuzzy, you still with me?

Ok, better open my 5 letters now and distribute them! Have wonderful weekends!! xoxo

Thursday, March 23, 2006

Let go of the past!

"Your journey has molded you for your greater good, and it was exactly what it needed to be. Don't think that you've lost time. There is no short-cutting to life. It took each and every situation you have encountered to bring you to the now. And now is right on time."

-- Asha Tyson

No regrets. As we become more aware, we begin to realize that there’s a purpose to everything that happens. This builds our trust, and supports us in being willing to be more open and daring to really experience life as it unfolds.

If we pay attention to what’s happening in each moment, we will discover that life continually brings us opportunities to heal our past wounds. When a painful memory surfaces, we can take the time to feel it fully, give compassion to ourselves and any others and allow the energy to release. As we deal with the past in this way IN THE PRESENT, we free ourselves to more fully connect with life.

"The next message you need is right where you are."

-- Ram Dass

The Daily Guru

Monday, March 20, 2006

GO South Africa!

I just wanted to have a quick brag at how well South Africa's doing in the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne. Check it out ..

Speaking about the Commonwealth Games...I got a rather strange but interesting email from a distant Sobey relative who I have never heard of before.. it went like this

"Dear Sharon,

Congratulations on carrying the flag at the Commonwealth Games. We just heard about you from a friend who saw you on TV in Cornwall, UK and knows we have spent years researching Sobeys. Our data base has 4500+ Sobey names from around the world and many in Oz but does not contain your name. We found on the Internet your father is Robert but we have three Roberts from Oz and do not know which is yours. We have Robert & Margaret, Robert & Janice, Robert & Sue and Robert & Lilian. We also saw where you were born in South Africa where there are still some Sobeys we communicate with."

I have replied and let her know who I am (and that I'm not Australian Sharon Sobey who was carrying the flag..hmm, was she also born in SA?) and got a rather interesting reply today. Not that any of you should care less, but hey, i'll share it anyway...Dave will know how this news would excite me since he sat by my side for many hours while i tediously googled "Sobey" only to trace it to a dead end.

"ALL Sobeys originated in Cornwall. We can connect your family back to Nicholas Sobye (original spelling) born about 1380 in St. Kew Parish, Cornwall.Your last Cornish ancestor was your great-grandfather Albert Sobey born Aug. 8, 1868 in Prince's Well Cottage, St. Winnow Parish, Cornwall. Coincidentally, that's where Jeannine's Cornish ancestor came from. Our main SA contact has been Russell Sobey of Durbin. He did not know there were other Sobeys in SA until one family had a child at his daughter's graduation. After you digest this information please send any Sobey data you may have.

I am forwarding your e-mail and copying this one to Lousie Cartwright (Sobee, yes, the correct spelling) who live sjust outsdide of London in Amersham. Lousie is a diligent Sobey researcher even though she says everyone else spells their name wrong."

So!! So much for me fantasising that I came from Ireland, Poland and Scotland...hmmm, but Cornwall is delicious enough a place for me to have my roots, in fact it all makes sense. It's basically fairyland, and I felt weirdly at home & totally happy when I went there for a few days with Dave last year! Just one generation away from an Ancestral Visa...dammit! What a pity!

I'm guessing you're holding your breath now, hoping that I'm gonna spice up my blog with at least a photo of another scandalous weekend...actually it was pretty chilled for a change. Even on St Paddy's we were home by 12 or something. A whole bunch of us who met in the States met at 1001 on Friday eve: Janine, Somayya, Jodene, Shelly, Kitty and I...very cool reunion. And Bryony was there too, it's always an added bonus & loadsa fun to have my fairy sister join!!

Kitty, Shells, Jojo Me, Somayya, Jojo

On Saturday I met up with Mike's parents at the Science Museum for a smoothie and chat. It was actually really really nice to see them, if a bit emotional. They are very special to me!

On Saturday I had a good catch up with Bozo, who insists on mocking me so much when i smoke rollies (or cigarettes) that I almost feel like giving up. We played pool and he proved that he is not good at ALL sports...although he still kicked my ass(by one ball), but then I am pretty much the worlds suckiest pool player. (Tom, I seem to have forgotten your wonderful lesson you gave me in PE)

On Sunday I went to visit Bryce in Ashford. OMG it's so peaceful out there in the country, it was great to get out of the beautiful chaos of London, if only for a day. And of course radical to spend time with Bryce as always. Had a fantastic lunch at a spanish restaurant called 'Que Pasa?' which means 'Whats happnening?' HAH!! SEE, i AM learning spanish!!

Ok, but gotto finish stuff now and go look at a room near London Bridge for me and Jodene. Can't imagine living apart from her now, it's almost like having a boyfriend, but with a higher understanding (sorry boys, you know PMS and all that), lots of cuddles, respect and love, but no sex.

fairy love xoxoxo

The Daily Guru


Sooner or later you'll encounter a crisis in your life, and how you meet it will determine your future happiness and success.

Since the beginning of time,everyone has been called upon to meet such a crisis.

Close scrutiny will show you that most "crisis situations"are opportunities to either advance or stay where you are.Indeed, most changes in your life will be dueto either "inspiration" or "desperation."

Personal growth is the process of responding positively to change.Whatever comes your way, give it meaning and transform it into something of value.

A precious stone cannot be polished without friction,nor humanity perfected without trials.

Thomas's Monday Morning Poetry

Good morning all!

Tomorrow’s a pubic holiday! Eine kleine nachmusik I can’t wait! But why wasn’t it made a Monday? It would have been a far more sensible option.

I’m busy preparing for the biggest fishing challenge to be launched since that big albino whale, Moby Dick, was targeted by Captain Ahab (why did he go for an albino whale?): The Blacktail 500.

The Blacktail is an unique little fish. You usually catch it when you are fishing for something bigger, such as shad, musselcracker, kob etc. Every time you catch one, you want to swear at it, but you don’t because it fights incredibly well for its size and also tastes fantastic when pan fried with a few choice herbs and spices and the odd squeezed lemon. The best way to describe its fighting abilities is to compare it with a Jack Russell. All heart.

So, my brothers and I are launching the Blacktail 500 tomorrow. There are a few rules to be followed: only coffee grinder reels are allowed to be used and the line used may not be stronger than 5kgs. There is some dissent concerning bait. One brother feels that only periwinkle should be allowed. I feel that the choice should be the fisherman’s. Who knows what will happen tomorrow.

The following fishing poem is written by an unkown poet, but judging by this poem, I am sure that he is soon to be compared to notables such as Shakespeare. The poet’s name is Greg Keeler.

Ballad of the Dubious Angler

For those who think the trout is smart,
here's a little hint.
I have caught the wily trout
on a piece of dryer lint.

For those who think the trout survives
high in a crystal vapor,
I have caught the trout among
flecks of toilet paper.

For those who think a fresh caught trout
is fit for haut cuisine,
I have eaten some that taste
like a soggy magazine.

For those who think a brown trout's brain's
substantial, here's a clue.
A brown trout's brain is shaped much like
a miniature kazoo.

For those who ooh and ah about
the patterns on a trout,
to me they look much better
whenyou turn them inside out.

For those who chase the wily trout
with esoteric gear,
I'd just as soon pursue them with
explosives or a spear.

Tootle pip.

Friday, March 17, 2006

Please help me!

Hiya all!

I've put together a survey to test my ideas for opening a backpackers. Please take 10 minutes out to fill this in for me...

Click here to take our Online Survey

Fanx & have a fabulous weekend and drunken St Patricks Day!! woohooooooo!

Lotsa faery wishes & dreams xoxo

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

Girls weekend out...

Friend Kitty Cat, who I haven't seen since New York came down from Coventry last weekend to visit Jo & I. It was so great to catch up with her at last!! Friday night was chilled, besides chatting late into the night about anything and everything. Saturday we spent the day in Camden Town, all in perfect market mood & spending cash on not entirely necessary trinkety things. We found a stunning moroccan cafe to have a £4 lunch in, along with some fresh mint tea served in tea glasses from an antique silver tea pot. In bus on the way to Camden town...

On Saturday night we headed for Guanabara, a brazillian bar that I have been hearing about for ages. We waited in the queue in the freezing cold for over an hour ( i think) and so many times nearly just left...but it was so worth the wait!! It has such a vibe and energy, great music, great friendly people and no shortage of diversity. It ended up being a longer and more fun evening than anticipated, and we finally got to bed after 5am...should've been getting up for the 'supper'. hah! After a few Bramha's...

After sleeping 3 in my bed again, we woke up Sunday morning about 10, sleep deprivation and headaches kicking in, but still got to Portobello Market, where we discovered we had the wrong day for market, and were anyhow not in the least in market mood. So we found coffee republic & hid from the world, where Bryony came to join us. On Sunday arvo we headed for 1001 in Brick Lane, to meet some of JoJo's friends and after swearing we never wanted to drink again we got stuck into Brazillian beer, again... Bryony's dad, Laurie, and his girlfriend, Jess, popped in for a surprise visit and drink and I managed to get a photo of the 3 of them! Thankfully it was not too late or too hectic a night and I managed to be in bed by 11.

Quite a raucous weekend though, and the one coming doesn't look promisingly quiet either, what with St Paddys day and all!! But I am meeting up with Mike's parents on Saturday...don't know if i'm looking forward to it or not...sometimes the emotions are just to intense to speak about him too much...part of the process I guess.

With much love from the Wander-ling!

Monday, March 13, 2006

Tom's Monday Morning Poetry!

Good morning all,

I enjoy what I do because consecutive days are never the same: every day I meet someone new, and when I interview the person, he or she helps me paint a completely new scene. So, in a sense I could compare every client that I am privileged to represent to a painting. Therefore my filing cabinet is a vault that holds many paintings, every one rich in colour and texture and each one portraying a unique landscape. Some are mere sketches and others are the complete article.

What I do reflects my chief joy in life, which is enjoying a new and unique experience every day. A repetitive experience becomes monotonous, which then becomes mundane.

On Saturday I was blessed with a new experience on the tennis court. I was playing a league match against a man who represents God. Yes. The man is a dominee. This in itself was a new experience: I had never played a competitive match against a dominee before. This raises interesting issues while one is playing: Every line call that a man of God makes should theoretically be honest. So, how do you question a dominee’s line call? How do you swear and blaspheme in front of a dominee when you’ve just wrecked a point? The answer is- easily! The most disconcerting aspect about playing against this dominee (apart from the fact that he systematically thrashed me) was that he identified me as the perfect prospect to involve in his business. No, he did not think that I was perfect material to become a priest. The business that he wanted me to join was Amway!

Every time we changed sides was an opportunity for him to extol the virtues of this, the oldest and probably the most successful of network marketing schemes. He systematically sold the concept to me at every break. I usually try and focus on my strategy on the change of side. I was forced to focus on Amway.

I’ll give him a little credit: after the match the beer was free.

This is in no way an excuse for losing: a thrashing is a thrashing is a thrashing, whichever way you look at it.

All That’s Past

Walter de la Mare

Very old are the woods;
And the buds that break
Out of the brier’s boughs,
When March wind’s wake,
So old with their beauty are-
Oh, no man knows
Through what wild centuries
Roves back the rose.

Very old are the brooks;
And the rills that rise
Where snow sleeps cold beneath
The azure skies
Sing such a history
Of come and gone,
Their every drop is as wise
As Solomon.

Very old are we men;
Our dreams are tales
Told in dim eden
By Eve’s nightingales;
We wake and whisper awhile,
But, the gay gone by,
Silence and sleep like fields
Of amaranth lie.

Tootle pip.

Friday, March 10, 2006

More end of year destinations..



Machu Picchu - PERU!

One definite stop

I WILL be going hereat the end of the year...Florinopalis, of Mike's most fave places in the world.

Thursday, March 09, 2006

What If?

"What If... ?"

"The universe is full of magical things patiently waiting for our wits to grow sharper." -- Eden Phillpotts

What if you were to pretend that you were healthy, wealthy and wise? What if you were to decide to be happy, no matter what else was happening?

Take the power of ‘what if...’ seriously, and you will grasp the power to create a world of your own design.

Everything, EVERYTHING begins in the imagination. Put it to work constructively for you.

"The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his life by altering his attitudes." -- William James

"Sometimes I've believed as many as six impossible things before breakfast." -- Lewis Carroll

The daily guru

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Saturday night

Saturday night the 25th Feb...watching the rugby in Leicester Square!! GO SCOTLAND!

Sam, Neville, Dave, Jojo, Jimmy

Saturday, 4th March...pls don't ask everyone's names...umm, girl in blue Megs, behind her friendly Vicky, Leara (with red stripe in hand), Jojo behind her and Bryony on the funkiest brick lane bar!

Fairy & Bryony (Fuzzy)

Beautiful Mikey!

His mom just sent me these yesterday, they were taken on the 10th of December, just 44 days before he died.

Lance & Mikey

Mikey & Katey (Betsy & Betsy)

My Lobban

Memorial service 27th Jan 06, Bok beanie from Shellie, Jasons surfboards, the pot helmet we shared on the scooter, his guitar we both played...gosh I miss him!

Christmas 2004....

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Trance dance faeries...

After a solid 7 hours of dancing beginning at 8.30am (substance & alcohol free, just for the record!) to great Trance music on Sunday, it was no wonder I was feeling so good, so centred but physically tired yesterday! Who needs gym?? Jo jo, Bryony & myself had an amazing time together!

For those of you who have asked about trance music...well, it would probably sound pretty much like techno to most of you...the differences being that there are many different sounds in trance music, beautiful voices, mysterious voices, tribal drumbeats, chanting, sounds of nature, the beat is sometimes fast and sometimes slow & ambient, and it puts you into a kind of a trance and while you dance you release negative energy(and leave feeling a lot happier & fitter than before!) Generally the people that go to a trance party are spiritual, happy & friendly, although like anywhere there are the odd few creeps. Trance parties have beatiful psychedelic luminous 3D art, often there are rooms where there are natural healers & food & clothing stalls. Trance is really just another word for meditation. Trance dancing has in fact even been developed into a healing life you can see here. It has also become a way of liberating your creative life force in Shivarea yoga. The best trance parties are those that are outdoors (like in SA, Brazil, Australia, Israel, Hungary, Spain, Morocco..) 'cos then you are dancing somewhere really beautiful, beneath the sun, moon and stars, normally barefoot and free! No doubt you think I'm a strange one, but don't judge what you've never tried ;-)


On Friday night I met Sanel for a drink or 2 and said my goodbye's and then headed to shelly's house where Jo was too. We sat around & were soon joined by Sanel!!, and we watched some of the Live8 dvd and laughed, cried and sang. If you can watch that video of those starving kids with dry eyes, you're a tough cookie! I didn't feel like travelling home so shared a matress with Sanel, who crept out early in the morning to sort out her 'issues'. Bokster, I miss yoooooo!

Bryony came down on Saturday arvo & we had a great day of shopping and checking out the weird & wonderful shops, people & stuff in camden town on saturday, and then went home to meet Jo, who twisted our rubber arms to go to meet friends in Brick Lane(east) with her. I was planning to post pics of us 3 with some of Jodene's fun & lively brazillian, spanish, english & polish friends but yesterday i forgot my camera & today I forgot my usb cable!!

Sorry this post is all over this place and in the wrong order...this stupid thing won't let me cut & paste!!

Farewell fluffy friends xxx

Monday, March 06, 2006

Thomas's Monday Morning Poetry

Good morning all!

Today’s poem is a classic. Women reading it may remember a film that featured this epic. I clearly remember looking around the theatre at the end of the movie and witnessing many women crying onto men’s shoulders, into their tissues… oh the emotion of it all. The movie was Dead Poet’s Society. Robin Williams played a part that didn’t require him to be funny and there were many young men dealing with their adolescent issues. The one young man was having such problems with his problems that he committed suicide. Obviously he had not been schooled in the many manly means of dealing with one’s problems:

Top of the list is alcohol (rather be a drunken, depressed idiot than a dead one).

Second on the list of all- American prep school favourites is killing things, whether they be quail, duck, deer, moose or religious dissidents (rather kill than kill yourself). Don’t do yoga: when you are sitting in the pub indulging in sour mash whiskey and telling stories of bravado it just does not sound macho to proudly announce that you finally managed to get your ankles round your ears. Far better to proudly announce that you massacred a flock of migratory geese with your favourite pump action and that your Labrador delivered every fallen one to your feet.

Number three on the list: engineer a hostile take-over. When at school you practice this priceless skill by stealing other pupils’ girlfriends. It involves the same principles: step one-the covert approach. Step two- announce your intentions to party number one without letting party number two know. Step three-‘concluding the deal’ without number two’s knowledge. Step four- letting party number two know that his property has been ‘taken over’ and gloating about this achievement over some sour mash whiskey with your friends. Step five- asset stripping-the best part of an hostile take-over- strip down the subject company’s assets and sell them off, thereby leaving just a shell that has no value. The poor girl. Step six- look for another ‘company’ that is prone to an hostile take-over.

Number four on the list: anti-depressants. Get them from your mother and look as zonked she does. She can describe all the beneficial effects of this condition. Ann added bonus of this condition: it’s accepted practice in the US of A.

I feel the makings of a good movie in this script.

Enjoy the week.

O Captain! My Captain!

Walt Whitman

O Captain! my Captain! our fearful trip is done,
The ship has weathered every rack, the prize we sought is won,
The port is near, the bells I hear, the people all exulting,
While follow eyes the steady keel, the vessel grim and daring;
But O heart! heart! heart!
O the bleeding drops of red,
Where on the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

O Captain! my Captain! rise up and hear the bells;
Rise up--for you the flag is flung--for you the bugle trills,
For you bouquets and ribboned wreaths--for you the shores accrowding,
For you they call, the swaying mass, their eager faces turning;
Here Captain! dear father!
This arm beneath your head!
It is some dream that on the deck
You've fallen cold and dead.

My Captain does not answer, his lips are pale and still,
My father does not feel my arm, he has no pulse nor will,
The ship is anchored safe and sound, its voyage closed and done,
From fearful trip the victor ship comes in with object won;
Exult O shores, and ring O bells!
But I, with mournful tread,
Walk the deck my Captain lies,
Fallen cold and dead.

Tootle pip,

Friday, March 03, 2006

Yay! Yay! It's Friday!!

and I have a FUN weekend up ahead!!

You haven't had much news this week! Last Saturday Jo & I met Jo's friend in Camden and then ended up at a pub in Leicester Square watching Scotland KICK ASS in rugby against England, much to my delight!! Fairy & friends then gathered at Matt & Matt, a fave funky house club in Angel/Islington, for some late night butt shaking! I had a great time and was joined by the Bokster, LT, shellz bellz, nift (all the way from Cov.), Bozo, Mark& of course, jo jo! The night ended in a little drama, which is not peculiar after a night out on the town, Jo fell asleep/passed out in the cab, and i woke her just before we got home. When she awoke i was busy arguing with the cab driver who swore that i had told him i lived in Dudden Hill lane, not Dollis hill lane, when i clearly remember me repeating myself and he still repeated 'Dollis Hill Lane' and said he knew exactly where it was. Thankfully they are 5 minutes apart, but he still charged me an extra £4...bastard!

Anyway, so then Jo left her handbag in the cab. Yip! He drove off, she realised and ran after the cab, to no avail! She promptly panicked since she's just arrived in London and everything important she owns was in this bag, along with my digital camera. Of course being a bit tipsy didn't help us to handle the situation. While jo sobbed, I called the yellow pages to get the numbers of all the cab companies in Angel. None were right. There was a party happening in my house, dj at the decks and all the people and stuff that goes along with a hard house dj. One of my friends who was dancing away in the lounge sugested we call Jo's phone, which I promptly did....and the cab driver answered....woohoo, how lucky? Anyway so we waited up till about 5am and paid him £25 just to bring it back, but at least poor Jo could stop panicking and start coming to terms with her hang over! ha!

We crawled into bed, she's sharing my double bed until she gets sorted, Nift was already sleeping there!!! Spread all nice and comfortably over the bed!!! Since there was a party in the lounge and no couch space, we had no choice but to nudge him over and squeeze in. Needless to say it was a very uncomfortable rest and we were up bright and breezy, dancing around in the lounge where the party was still going from FRIDAY night!! Yip, thats my crazy house!

Jo & I went to yoga on Sunday morning, believe it or not and stretched our aching limbs. I then got a phonecall from Laurie to say that him and Bryony were gonna be in London and he'd like me to meet them at Savoy for a late lunch. Savoy is pretty posh and normally unaffordably expensive, but on weekends they run a 2 course for £18 special. I am truly a hippie at heart though, and the more I try it, the more I realise...fine dining is just not for me. I like my semi-dodgy arty farty little holes, where weird and wonderful people meet & chat, where dress code doesn't matter, food & booze is cheap & i can just be me closed minded! But Savoy was truly a great experience, the food was delicious & beautifully presented, the service outstanding, the atmosphere, well, posh but comfy! If you're into fine dining, Savoy is the place to go! It was really really great to see Laurie, his gf & Bryony again!

Bryony is doing very well for someone who has just left the peebs. She is a really mature, 'together' girl, and I reckon we'll be great friends!I've been looking into getting a visa to go to Sweden with her and it seems like quite a process. I have to apply in person and i don't know how i'm going to get more time off work to do that. And i may not even get it because it says that normally you need to apply in the country you are from... but i shall try all the same! Bryony and her bro are coming to London tomorrow to visit and we are heading for Camden town and then Old Street on Sunday for a day time trance party. I am NOT corrupting her, since she told me her fave music is trance and when i told her about the party she decided she wanted to join. Besides even children are welcome at this party! And there's a swimming pool inside the club! I will look after her, or at least take my digital camera and take pics..ha ha! It is going to be lots of fun!

On monday Janine came through from Reading to visit Jo & I and we ended up chatting late into the night. It was great to see Jay and I cannot believe she is going home next month!! I will miss her tons!! Jay, Jo & I all met when we were working in New York & then we went to work in Florida together. They are my fellow tree huggers, my soul mates!

My whole week was like this, busy every night(visiting Somayya in Leytonstone, going to a bday bash in Bond street and having some pints with Stephen, who i haven't seen since November!) and quiet days at work...a hippie fairy stuck in a 9-5 office job!! Oh the rat race!!

Since work is brain numbingly quiet, I discovered things like after a comment on my blog from Hilton Shorrock, my fabulous ex-yoga instructor from Port Elizabeth. I had quite a lot to say in the 'expat' forum, where some fellow south africans ruffled my feathers by complaining about London & Londonners. I love this place!! So yeah, busy busy times...ha ha!!

I had all good intentions of going to yoga this evening, but my Bokster (Sanel) leaves us for good to go back to little ole PE tomorrow. She will be very greatly missed. So I'm going to meet her for a quick drink after work, and then will probably go meet Jo at Shelly's house later for a dvd night. I really did want to go to yoga, but i think i have a valid reason not to....I will go to pilates tomorrow morning instead, but it's just not the same!! I just have aching stomach muscles for a week afterwards...argh!

I am now officialy smoking rollies. Yes I'm still smoking. Cigarettes are way more expensive and i figured if i actually have to roll each one I will smoke a lot less. It seems to be working so far, except for the few Marlboro lights i've bummed off friends when we're out.

Don't you love Ebay?? I bought a 'beginners spanish' cd & book on ebay yesterday as well as a lonely planet guide to Central America & i'm busy bidding on a guide to South America...I am serious, this year i am travelling some more! I've been umming and aahhing about all the places I wanna go...Thailand, India, Morocco, Egypt, Israel, Mozambique, Tanzania, New Zealand, Indonesia, China, Tibet.. and I think this is why i've been nowhere for a while. At least if I go to Central & South America, I get to see Cuba, Costa Rico, Jamaica, Ecuador, Peru, Columbia, Argentina, Brazil...hopefully! Any sponsors? ha ha!

What will I do after that?
1. I could marry a gay British man, stay in the country, and save some more and travel more....or
2. I could go draw up a business plan for a backpackers on the coast of SA, and hopefully get some sponsors to back me up and open it!!! Any volunteers?
3. Or else I could go help Aids orphans in Africa,
4. or work on a kibbutz in Israel,
5. or work on a cruise ship in the meditaranean,
6. or settle on a sustainable development in the Transkei and get married and pregnant
7. or immigrate to Australia
8. or become a 'waldorf' teacher
9. or a social worker
10. or simply wander the planet forever and ever and ever.

10 least 10 ways it may all turn out...isn't that exciting? Anyone have any advice?

Today I plan not to plan too far ahead, and not to stress about the future, because if i should die tomorrow, nothing is more important than today! And so far everything has worked out bloody well! I have the greatest friends, a roof, a bed, a job, food and I've seen and experienced so much more than i ever thought i would when i was a little girl!

May you all have a fabulously fantastical weekend!

fairy xxx

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Quick one!

Typical of my bad time keeping, I start blogging 5 minutes before hometime & the end of pc time for the day!

I've had Mike on my mind a lot. Everyday he used to send me a message on msn when it was 17 minutes past 11. (he was born on 17 November) He used to say "hey sobey, 11.17"...even if we weren't chatting at the time. And i used to randomly look at my clock everytime it was 11.17 here and msn him back. Now everyday I casually glance at my pc 11.17. I think it's his little way of not allowing me to forget him, and I like it, but it makes me miss him a lot.

Today i looked up the tatt he had on his shoulder. It was a chinese symbol meaning friendship, and looked like a surfer. It's the one on the left.

Ok, so maybe I'm obsessed. I have a shrine in my room, every photo i own with him in it, from the new york, new orleans, jack daniels distillery, florida, port elizabeth, cape town & london. But maybe it's not unhealthy. Or is it? I just do not want to forget him and what he taught me. And I am not sad when i think about him. I miss him a lot yes, but i'm not sad!

Anyway, now that you think i'm nuts, i've got to run and meet a good old friend for drinks! Take it easy on me tomorrow, this Scot can drink!!

Fairy xxx

You Are What You Think

Whatever you plant in your subconscious mind and nourish every day with conviction and emotionwill one day become a reality. Constant repetition carries conviction.Repeat something often enough and it will start to become you. A change in what you tell yourself will result in a change in your behavior. What you impress upon your mind,you'll inevitably become. Self suggestion will make you master of yourself.

The Daily Guru