Monday, March 27, 2006

Thomas's Monday Morning Poetry

Good morning all,

The sun was a scorcher yesterday. I am living proof of this because it burned the beharikrishna out of me while I was fishing.

To be a fisherman, one has to be an optimist. If one wasn’t an optimist, then one wouldn’t repeat an experience of fishing for five hours and catching nothing, returning home sunburned with one’s hands smelling of pilchard. When one arrives home, the question is usually asked; “Catch any fish?”

One usually replies; “No, but I had a couple of bites.” Which means nothing,other than the fact that a fish actually took one’s bait and you failed to hook it. Failure. Failure to catch that f*#king fish. I’ve heard of people using dynamite to catch fish. Sounds sensible to me. Thoughts of fishing in an aquarium also come to mind. With dynamite. Can’t fail.

And now for another fishing poem….

What to Do with the Butt of Your
Fly Rod after the Tip Is Broken

Greg Keeler.

Did you get your fly hung up
then, while trying to free it,
snap the tip on your fly rod?
Don't panic. There's still time
to make things right:the fly rod has a butt
doesn't it? Well. break
the butt of the fly rod
over your knee

Did your child snap the tip
from your fly rod
while trying to poke
a badmitten birdie
out of a tree?Now's your chance
to give that special
little lesson in ethics
Don't hit the child.
Just remove the broken tip
from the fly rod and break
the butt of the fly rod
over your knee.

Did your fishing partner
knock your fly rod
on the ground and then
when you yelled, "Watch Out!"
turn around and say, "What?"and step on the tip
of your fly rod?
Well, when your fishing partner says,
"Sorry,"and offers to pay,
just say, "Oh no, that's o.k."and break
the butt of the fly rod
on your knee.

Tootle pip.


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