It's time I got back into blog mode. As you should've noticed, when i get a bit down I revert to writing really strange poetry and in the moment think it's really cool. Sorry bout that!
Last weekend a lot happened, even though it wasn't a mad weekend! Sister Bryony was working at the door of Tabernacle in Islington, for a party called
'Hey Gorgeous!' which was such a laugh and great fun. Everyone was friendly (and drunk), the music was brilliant and there was some,erm, entertainment from an extremely drunk couple. The poor girl realised she was not at home alone, and you could see she wanted to bury herself alive. Very amusing! We got a bus home with a bunch of Bryony's friends and people from Hemel Hempstead, and finally crawled into bed in the most stunning room in a beautiful old country house at about 5am. Bryony lives in Nettledon, which is a tiny tiny country town in the middle of farmlands and hills. That place is like heaven. She's moved in with a couple Nigel & Faye and there little girl, and they've been so good to my friend and sista. I just googled Nettledon and can't find anything about it, so either I have the name wrong, or it's really that tiny. It's in Hertfordshire if i'm not mistaken.
Anyway, later in the day we walked along the 'Roman Road' through farmlands to the pub in a neighbouring tiny town called Frithsden.
The Alford Arms won the Catering Pub of the Year award in 2005. The food is outstanding, and the setting...well, you can hardly beat it! What was quite unexpected was all the fantastic sports cars standing outside. I guess i expected tractors and trucks...ha ha!
Bryony and I had a weird encounter on the way back from the pub. We were driving Nigel's Landrover over Roman Road, where normal cars can't go, cos it's pretty rough. The road is narrow and there were two cyclists up ahead, so we pulled over and waited for them to pass. As they went past I saw Bryony staring at these 2 guys and then she opened her door and shouted 'Hey, are you brethren?' What was really weird is that not long before in the pub, i'd asked her if she ever saw brethren around, and she said none lived for miles. The boys answered 'yes' and were a bit confused till they realised it was Bryony they were looking at. She called them to the car, where I was introduced and we were reminded about where the 'only truth' is. Then we had a look at the map of the route they were cycling. Then they left. As you can imagine we were a bit freaked out! Coincidence?? I think not. At least now they got a chance to see (and spread the good word) that we were actually out in the countryside, totally innocent and happy. doubt it will get twisted as it seems to in the peebs. Either Bryony & I will be branded "lesbian" or else Mister Hales will prophecy that we will be in a car accident. Who knows? Or maybe they'll just take us on face value and realise that we are pretty normal girls, who are enjoying life(including nature!). Oh, I forgot, enjoying life is a sin. Ooopsy daisy!
I think i needed to get that out. Forgive me, my family, if any of you read this, but I hope you get my drift.
That evening Bryony's dad, his girlfriend and brother came around for a barbeque at Nigel and Faye's. Bradley is a fine strapping young farmer lad, and Laurie is, well, from another weird & wonderful planet. I also met Bryony's grandparents briefly. They're really sweet, I'd love to go visit them sometime. We had a very entertaining evening, everyone was merry and happy, and we played the keyboard and sang (bryony's pretty good), listened to good music, ate Faye's amazing food (she's a great cook & Nigels a great barbeque-r) and star-gazed. You can see so many more stars out there! Bryony is very special to me and i'm glad she's being looked after well! Below is Nigel, Bryony, Faye, N&F's house, including Bryony's fab room!
On Sunday I got a train from Hemel Hempstead to Coventry to go meet with Jo & Cat to check out OrangeBlossom/ Cat's home. We had a very chilled two days. We went to the funfair and ate candyfloss and then sat in the park until we were iceblocks. Neville came around on Sunday night, i asked him to bring juice...he brought cheese. Like 2 big blocks of it!! Must be my saffa accent. Ha ha! But he brought juice too! He'd spent the day waterskiing so his brain was probably frozen. It was great to see him!
As usual, spending time with Jo & Cat is special. They always have such words of wisdom and we lift each other up. Because we are all kind of spiritual and mostly positive, we feed off eachother, which is amazing. We went to a Spirit fair in Coventry cathedral. I was expecting a holistic event, but it was actually Christian. It is amazing to see the gap between Christianity and Spirituality being bridged, through art, poetry, music and prayer. It was intriguing. Gary would've been so interested. They even had an 'aura reader'...which is very new age, but he prays Christian prayers. Very weird but very interesting! Coventry is really pretty with it's parks. The town centre is stunning too, especially by the Cathedral where the road is cobbled. I wish it had been warmer though!
Thereafter it was home with Jo on the good ole megabus...She moves out this weekend! Boohoo!! Jo!! I'm going to miss you insanely!! Shit, i'm miserable when you just leave for work when i'm still asleep, i wake up feeling all disorientated and lonely! hah! love you xxx
A massive shout out to D-d-d-dave, who I called in Egypt last night. It was so rad to hear your voice again after like 4 months!! You've got to come visit soon!!! I'm glad you're finally catching up on my blog! Miss you madly! xxx b-b-b-b-b-b-b
I mentioned in my previous was on Sunday that I got to hear about Neil & Clive contemplating going back to the peebs. This has stirred me and baffled my brain to a point that I should not blog about it. I cannot comprehend it, let alone understand it. But I also cannot change it....anyway we'll leave it at that!
Yesterday I went for an open day and interview with Active Assistance in Sevenoaks, Kent. It went really well, and now they have just called me to say that I got through and they'd like me to join them for a 5 day training course from the 15-19 May. I am so excited about doing something different, something so much more rewarding than sitting behind this bl**dy desk. I'm excited that I will be making a difference to somebody's life. Helping them to remain active. Active Assistance mainly deals with people with Spinal Injury's(and a few cases of Muscular Dystrophy or Multiple Sclerosis), 75% of which are men. Most of the Clients are between 21 and 45.
"They want to live independently in their own homes and need help to complete everyday tasks.PAs work under the direction of our Clients. You will live with the Client for 2 to 3 weeks at a time, helping them with everyday tasks such as getting in and out of bed, washing & toileting, shopping & cooking. PAs also take our Clients to work, to social events and even on holiday!"
There is a client who likes to travel a lot, Caribbean Cruises and the likes, and of course he needs a PA/carer... There's also a girl in her late 20's who is a student, speaks 5 languages fluently and parties every weekend, and of course the PA/carer even goes to Uni with her, which would be so interesting. So that's my plan for the next few weeks...a training course and then I'll be placed within 2 weeks maximum.
Have a fantastic weekend, may the sun shine!!
Love, peace & magical moments
Fairy xoxo