Monday, June 12, 2006

bloggity blog

I apologise profusely for being so out of date with my blogging. I have very little time online...

After spending 6 blissful days in beautiful Scotland with amazing people I am now in Welling, Kent until the 20th. I am thoroughly enjoying every aspect of this job, and really feel like I am going in the right direction. My client & I get on really well & his girlfriend is really lovely too!

On the 21st I am off to my next client in Cheddar, Somerset for 2 weeks, and then hopefully a break cos it'll be nearly time for GLADE Festival!!!! Yippeee fellow hobbits! Can't wait!!!

Ian & Sylvia have been very kindly helping me to look into Visa options, to stay in the UK. I am hoping that because nurses are in demand in the UK, and because nursing has always been a childhood dream & not easy to fulfil in South Africa, I may be able to study nursing over here & therefore be able to stay in the UK. I must look into it further soon.

ALSO...On the training course in Sevenoaks I met a handsome & gentle Prince who is now my boyfriend...woohoooo! His name is Steven & we are at the moment trying to make time to meet up between assignments...which has been rather frustrating!

I hope to update my blog with loads of photo's of all the happy memories from the last 2 months!

Lots of fairy light & love

Thomas's monday morning poetry

Good morning all,

East London is such a beautiful place to play tennis. I’ve just spent a week there, and a better place could not have been chosen. The weather was ideal, but in all the years that I’ve played sport in Slum Town, I can’t remember a bad day of weather. This is in direct comparison to the normally gale force conditions that us humble whackers of the ball deal with in the Windy, Friendly City.

The tournament was a Veterans tournament. This meant that everyone was over 30. Trouble. There were a couple of teams that did not do post match socializing, but I choose not to remember from whence they came. The rest were an happy bunch of tennis players/party animals. It is easy to be such a person when you don’t have to work the next day. What a pleasure.

We sampled some of East London’s best restaurants. We also sampled all the sports clubs. Let me not forget that we also sampled some superb tennis. Tennis is the one game where age damages your skill and enthusiasm only gradually: you still play tennis once you’ve retired from you job. Show me a rugby player charging into a loose maul at age 65, for 80 minutes against a pack of 21 year olds.

On day three of the inter-pro I had reason to laugh: the hot topic of conversation amongst us was how sore we were. The other hot topic was what brand of anti-inflammatory was best to keep us playing without any pain.

And now for a little bit of poetry:

Love’s Secret

William Blake

Never seek to tell thy love,
Love that never told can be;
For the gentle wind doth move
Silently, invisibly.

I told my love, I told my love,
I told her all my heart,
Trembling, cold, in ghastly fears.
Ah, she did depart!

Soon after she was gone from me,
A traveller came by,
Silently, invisibly:
He took her with a sigh.

Tootle pip.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

Bonny Scotland...

Just to let y'all know....I do intend updating my blog, hopefully next tuesday.

I decided to go to Scotland this week seeing as I had over a week before I start work, and some savings that were burning a hole in my pocket. I missed my bus to Edinburgh yesterday morning (bad time-keeping as usual!!!!) so quickly booked one to Glasgow where good Uncle George put me in touch with Ian & Sylvia McKay, who are also ex-peebs(for those connected to Ian writes those brilliant parodies!). They have been wonderfully hospitable & kind! I stayed with them last night and again tonight!! Uncle Ian has spent the day showing me around Glasgow (unfortunately Aunty Sylvia had to work). We visited buildings with beautiful architecture, the oldest house in Glasgow (built in 1493, i think), the Cathedral, The Victorian Cemetry, The Burrel Collection, Pollok House, Pollok Park and managed to fit in a pub lunch!! I also almost stroked a furry Scottish Highland Cow and did stroke quite a scarily massive horse, which has the biggest feet and Uncle Ian informed me, is bred for strength and not speed, the opposite to a race horse. Scotland is sooo green and beautiful, and there's so much history and things to see & learn. And I'm convinced Uncle Ian knows everything about brain is buzzing from trying to absorb all the information!!

A few things for the record...
Scotland has been warmer today and yesterday than Kent has been for the last 2 weeks (contrary to warnings from numerous friends;-)...but i am told it may be colder on the east coast)
AND catching a 10 hour bus is worth it, cos not only did I get loads of reading done but I got to see some of the most magnificent countryside I've ever seen!! There were even little bunnies hopping around the cute man!!
PLUS Megabus is dirt cheap(£14) and perfectly comfortable and basically never full!

Tomorrow I head for Blairgowrie, to meet my first cousin, Cheryl(and her family), whom I've only emailed and chatted to on the phone before. On Saturday night I plan to head for Edinburgh and stay in a youth hostel for saturday and sunday night and then back to London on Monday!

On Thursday I start work for a 29 year old client who lives in Welling, Kent (only 25 minutes out of london). I am with him for 2 weeks, and i don't yet know when, how, where or how long my next assignment will be for. But that's all part of the fun!!!

I am very happy to be exploring Scotland, and feel like I have made the best move, career wise...I can't wait to get started!!

Much love, peace & happiness
Fairy xoxoxoxoxoxox

And just to show how I've fallen in love with is the anthem...

O Flower of Scotland,
When will we see your like again?
That fought and died for
Your wee bit Hill and Glen!
And stood against him,
Proud Edward's army,
And sent him homeward
Tae think again!

The hills are bare now
And autumn leaves lie thick and still.
O'er land that is lost now
Which those so dearly held,
That stood against him,
Proud Edward's army,
And sent him homewardTae think again!

Those days are past now
And in the past they must remain!
But we can still rise now
Ane be The Nation again,
That stood against him,
Proud Edward's army,
And sent him homeward
Tae think again!

O Fhlùir na h-Albann
cuin a chì sinn an seòrsa laoich
a sheas gu bàs `on
am bileag feòir is fraioch
a sheas an aghaidh
feachd uailleil Ionhair
`s a ruaig e dhachaidh
air chaochladh smaoin

Na cnuic tha lomnochd
`s tha duilleach Foghair mar bhrat air làr
am fearann caillte
dan tug na seòid ud gràdh
a sheas an aghaidh
feachd uailleil Ionhair
`s a ruaig e dhachaidh
air chaochladh smaoin

Tha `n eachdraidh dùinte
ach air dìochuimhne chan fheum i bhith
is faodaidh sinn èirigh
gu bhith nar Rìoghachd a-rìs
a sheas an aghaidh
feachd uailleil Ionhair
`s a ruaig e dhachaidh
air chaochladh smaoin