Have a look at the comment posted under my topic "Return to the Cold".
Hmm...must be another group of PB's...with another Mark P!
My thoughts, inspirations & adventures
Have a look at the comment posted under my topic "Return to the Cold".
I enjoyed the message i got from the Daily Guru via email today and thought I would share it quick before I run off to yoga:
As most of you know, Thomas normally sends me poetry every monday morning which i post onto my blog. What you don't know is who Thomas is...Thomas is great friend who worked with me in Port Elizabeth a while ago. He is a man of many talents, namely: Tennis, fishing, selling insurance, yoga, partying, braaing(bbq'ing), farming, languages, writing poetry, flirting, breaking hearts, making people laugh, listening, giving good advice...oh, too many to mention. Most of all he is my partner in crime...when everyone in PE drops me, he refrains from yoga practice and takes me out & we drink & laugh & dance at dodgy clubs all night long even when he has a tennis tournament the next day! Hah, thats what i call friendship!! Here's a photo so that every monday you don't look at my blog and ask 'who the f**k is this Thomas guy?"
Here's this mornings poetry:
Good morning all,
After a break, the Monday Morning Poetry is back. Though I cannot claim to be an artist or poet (I fall way short of the benchmark), it is common knowledge that all great artists had their respective muses. I cannot claim to have that facility, but I discovered a muse with a difference yesterday: a shad! Yes, a shad. To give a definition of a shad: it is a predatory fish that, while not physically large, is very energetic. One discovers this when one has hooked one and is trying to land it. Yesterday I had the pleasure of catching one. Crisis I was happy!
I hope you all enjoy the week thoroughly.
I couldn’t find a poem that I thought worth publishing, so chose an extract from Kahlil Gibrain:
O soul, If I did not covet immortality, I would never have learned the song which has been sung through all of time.
Rather, I would have been a suicide, nothing remaining of me except my ashes hidden within the tomb.
O soul! If I had not been baptized with tears and my eyes hand not been mascaraed by ghosts of sickness, I would not have seen life as through a veil, darkly.
O soul! Life is a darkness which ends as in the sunburst of day.
The yearning of my heart tells me there is peace in the grave.
O soul! If some fool tells you the soul perishes like the body and that which dies never returns, tell him the flower perishes but the seed remains and lies before us as the secret of life everlasting.
Tootle pip.
Since I have not got around to telling you what happened last saturday, I will put George's account of the story. (sorry to bore those of you who don't know about the exclusive/plymouth brethren).
IN JO'BURG...I met up with Mark who i had not seen since he stayed at my house for 3-day mtgs more than 10 years ago...was great to catch up!
I did something mischievous on Saturday, I will blog it tomorrow...
I've just joined a gym which is 5 minutes from where i live. They have all kinds of classes..hatha yoga, ashtanga yoga, pilates, cycling, step&tone, chi ball, salsa my plan is to find what i like most and stick to it. I went to yoga on sunday, and now i am feeling muscles i have not felt in a long time! It was so good though!
Last night I met a lovely girl, Bryony, who has just left the plymouth brethren at the tender age of 16. She has her head screwed on just right and will most likely not make all the mistakes i did when i left! We want to plan a trip to Sweden together sometime in the near future!
My visa expires in October, i think i'm finally going to make it to central and south america for 2 months...peru, cuba, columbia, brazil, argentina, THE AMAZON! I will find fairies there, i'm sure of it! Then i don't know what. trying to live everyday to the fullest, i want plans but i don't want plans to define my journey...if that makes any sense...
Jodene(aka JoJo) has given up law after her first year and is joining me in my room here in Dollis Hill tomorrow for a month or 2 til she finds her own place. She's just got a 2 year visa... I'm really looking forward to seeing her again!! We spent a lot of time together in PE and i don't know how i would have got through the Mike story without her. As far as Mike is concerned, i am just so happy he is not suffering anymore. I'm living life to the fullest cos i know that is how he lived his life and how he'd want us to live ours! I'm in a happy place with that all, although i miss him tons.
i have been in happy single land since October and it is becoming an easier and more positive experience all the time. I'm truly enjoying my own quiet time!
I have to brave the cold to get to my Pilates class now...Debs are you proud of me? This weather is not for fairies, dammit!