This is a picture of our little baby at 20 weeks old(14 November)!! I will not announce the sex on here as I know of at least one person who doesn't want to know the sex.. I can now feel her/him kicking (and so can Steven) and everything is suddenly feeling a lot more real-in a good way! My employer has had her beautiful baby boy, and I've been helping change nappies, etc and it has helped me feel a lot less scared and a lot more excited! The scan confirmed that everything is developing normally and we checked out all Petals/Leanders organs, her spine, even the skin along her spine...unbelievable! She/he was making sucking motions with her mouth....so cute!
We are living in a beautiful spot until February next year, when we really hope to find another lovely home to nest in more permanently. We have stunning woodlands, a quarry, and loads of open space and trees around and wish we didn't have to move, but we do as the home we're living in is being renovated.
Other than being crazy busy, we are both enjoying life immensely at the moment. I'm loving both my courses, although I'm struggling to find time for homework as I am working quite a lot, and socialising the rest of the time!! Work is great, I am very lucky to have met more such wonderful people...they've been such a positive influence on my life. Steven is loving his Film Studies, and is still working hard part time.
There've been lots of happenings in our lives. The last weekend was spent in Nuneaton for Mum-in-laws 50th surprise party, which was loads of fun! We also managed to meet up with Jo & Kitty briefly on the Saturday in Stratford-upon-Avon, which was great but too short! Otherwise there've been Halloween Parties, moving of house, housewarming Parties, sistas & bro (Jo, Jus & Kitty) visiting, Mom-in-law, Sister-in-law & hubby & child visiting (Emma, Alan & James), the Cornish Film Festivals, Faery & Angel Healing fayre, etc...and this all within the last month!!!
Try squeezing this in with minimum of 4 hours homework a week, 2 evening courses, around 4 10 hour work days a week, plus trying to change bill addresses & all the usual admin with moving house...and you get one tired but smiling pregnant faery...think I need to take some time out, though it looks as if that's not going to happen anytime soon! However, life is good and we are very happy and simply cannot wait to meet our child. A debate about the name is on, as I remembered a name I really love today. If you're keen on voting for a name (and finding out the sex if you don't know)...send me an email!
At some stage I hope to catch up with emailing and blogging and staying in touch with everyone, as we have internet at last...but I have to learn to prioritise. Those that want to see more photo's(still to be uploaded!), look me up on facebook!
Jo, Cat & Jus's visit:

In the woodland...20 weeks preggie.