Email 3 - Mikes memorial service
Hey guys
Mikes funeral service is at 3pm tomorrow (friday 27th) at Trinity Church in PE. Mikes sister suggested that all his friends who can't be there take a moment, either at a church or somewhere quiet tomorrow afternoon at 3 just to remember Mike & beautiful memories shared with him and say goodbye to our special friend! Take a moment to think of the family too, they need so much love & energy now! He has added his personal touch to the service, I will let you know details afterwards. It will be a very sad but special time!
I have been lucky to have Jodene with me since I arrived in PE and am staying with my "other parents", Rob & Sheila, who have been amazing. Although I wish Mikey were here with me in person, he will ALWAYS be in my heart and I will never ever forget his love and his passion for life. I have learnt so much from him and am fortunate to have had him in my life for the last 2 and a half years! As Kate (Betsy) said, we need to cherish our friends!
If any of you would like to say anything in the death column of the local newspaper the web addy is
I love you guys and am thinking of you all in this difficult time!
Shaz xxxx
PS Sorry I haven't got around to replying to personal emails, thank you all for your thoughts, energies, prayers and love.
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