The Big 30!
No, no..not me... Tatiana! I still have 3 and a half years to go! Apologies for the late blog!
It was her birthday last Thursday which she celebrated in a very funky little loungey bar/restaurant Ruby & Sequoia! About 25 people must have showed up, from all different countries & walks of life but all as bubbly and interesting as Tati and we all blended together perfectly and made friends. Tatiana being the lively and beautiful soul that she is of course only attracts friendly people, so it was easy to make friends ;o) Needless to say, an evening that was originally going to end by 10 (i wanted to be in bed by 10.30!) ended in me only getting home by 1.30am. It was so worth it. Tati was wearing her dress & tan fresh from a holiday in Brazil!! On the left is an Australian girl from the Gold Coast, who has travelled tons and is really great. I suck with names, but i'm pretty sure it was Fiona. Of course Tatiana is not hard to spot & neither is the wandering fairy!

Friday night was my friend Duncan's party on a boat on the Thames (one that doesn't move) called Tattershall Castle. Duncan has the strangest mix of friends...from super intelligent and very proper University students, to Computer Nerds & then, well, me & one other sweet tipsy Latvian girl who was trying to set me up with her shy friend(which didn't work, by the way)!! I only arrived at this party after 11.30pm after getting hopelessly lost and wandering around Trafalgar square trying to figure out which way the Thames was. And it was pissing with rain and i had my beautiful new but rather summery green shoes on! I eventually interupted a conversation between 2 london bobbies to get directions (sheize, should've got a photo with them!). They said i must 'be careful' at 'that place'! Ha ha! Could Tattershall Castle have a reputation? Well, possibly! When i wondered in, most people could hardly stand (except Duncan's friends, responsible fellows!) and there was really strange and disturbingly un-sexy people thinking they were super sexy dancing around the poles in the middle of the dancefloor. Why were there poles in the dancefloor? To keep the boat together or to entertain sober people watching their drunk mates? And NO! this was not a strip club of any sort! At the end of a fun night, 2 of Duncan's hilarious computer boff friends kindly walked me to Oxford Circus to catch a night bus home, which took over an hour! Oh, but you gotta love London.
On Saturday night Bryony, Cat, Jo & I headed for this Whirly Gig event that I was previously raving about. It was really a beautiful setting and atmosphere...see Cat's blog here, but here's her words
"We had been psyching ourselves up – hoping we would be surrounded by like minded fairies, hobbits, hippies and other fantastical creatures. But it turned out to be something quite different. There were a lot of young people – heck Jo and I thought this one young lad was attempting to pick us up when we were standing outside and he came over to ask our names. Jo shrugged him off (in a polite fashion as always!) and he responds by saying “It’s cool, no need, I am just trying to be happy.” After which we felt bad about assuming he was trying his luck with us!! How sad that we have grown up always being wary of people’s motives and intentions. I suppose there is just cause and reason for being wary, but still it is good to let go of this apprehension and suspicion, once in a while. Anyway back to my story…so we chilled out on the couches and gazed at the graphic/visual art on the screens above us. Wow! They are amazing, you get totally hypnotized and in trance with the images. They are so varied and random, but make for total and sublime visual pleasure. And we hadn’t even had one drink yet! We wandered around for a bit, but then decided to head back home and chill out there. "
I think I may still give Whirly Gig a whirl on another occasion, I enjoyed the atmosphere & people but am happy that on saturday night we decided to head home, cos we had a fantastic evening dancing around our lounge till after 2am, being indescribably free! 1 beer the whole night I might tell you. Who needs booze and drugs to have a good time?

A shortened version of sunday...the four of us girls went to camden to buy poi. Cat bought fire sticks, otherwise known as Staffs, and Jo couldn't find any she really liked & I bought ribbon poi with long lumo green & purple tails. I will take a picture playing with them sometime so you can see! Later in the day we headed to a drum circle at Akwaaba in Camden, which we didn't realise before the time was intermediate, so we all struggled to keep up with the pace. From now on we will go to the beginners class earlier on a sunday, just till we get the hang of it. Bryony bought a drum with a stunning sound to it, she is a natural!
I still think about Mikey stacks but am not so sad. I just really miss him sometimes. I dreamt a few weeks ago that he came out of his coma and got better and we were just walking on the beach together, and i just couldn't stop looking at him in wonder & catching every smile & look and i was so happy he was alive. And then I saw a dude at the tube station the other day who looked just like him...he had that khaki green t-shirt that was too short, jeans that almost showed his crack, the same height, the same walk, the same build, same tan and a red cap on back to front with an S on it. I started following, i don't know why, it was like a magnetic force was pulling me and my brain stopped functioning...he was walking through the crowd so fast and I started panicking that he'd disappear. Then i had to stop and laugh at myself for stalking a complete stranger, and send a giggle to Mikey for sending these little reminders that he is still with us, just in some other realm. Or maybe it was not a reminder from him at all, but a reminder from myself, not to forget, not to just brush the whole thing out of my mind but to go through the emotions. Healing takes time.
Another thing on my mind is my family! I got a letter and photo's from my mom last is always so cool to hear from her and I don't know if she realises how much it means to me! I long to have more contact with the rest of them. I long to be a sister to Kerri, Robin, Wayne & be an Aunty to all my neices and nephews and a sister-in-law to Astrid, Karen & Jess. I would love to be a better and closer daughter to my mom. I would love to be there for all of them and to share my life with them.
Last night I got stuck into ideas for this Backpacker/Hostel Business Plan. I really feel it all starting to flow, although i don't doubt it's going to take a long time to make the finished professional Business Plan. I will never know unless I try!
Fairy dust sprinklings on all xoxoxoxoxoxo
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