Work, thoughts & happiness
I am finally getting trained up properly with 2 different care agencies, and in the next few weeks I should be working properly. After 2 months of not working, it's quite bewildering and rather pleasant to actually be doing something again.
Steven & I went to a Regatta in Durgan, a little town up the River Fal, not far from Falmouth, on Sunday. A regatta is a boat race, in this case rowing boats. We also tried to catch crabs, but to no avail. Perhaps that just didn't like our tuna sandwiches, we will get some real bait next time.

A while ago I was criticized for sharing my thoughts on my blog, because what would people think of me?? So I've backed off for a while, and perhaps I do need to keep a diary instead of blurting out my hopes, dreams and fantasies for the whole wide world to see. So instead of telling you exactly how I'm feeling, I'm just going to say this....
It seems that Bryony, my fairy sister, has returned to the grips of the Exclusive Brethren. I guess the guilt trips and the fear can be pretty intense for a while, especially when you're young. And being away from your mom and siblings can be so hard. Anyway, Fuzzy, since I can't get hold of you, I hope you take a sneaky peek at my blog sometime and know that I miss you and I love you...and if there is anything I can do to help, you know where I am! I will always respect the decisions you make, because we all have our own reasons for doing things, just know that i'm here! xoxoxo
It's a strange situation, this going back to the peebs thing. 2 of my other 'friends', who are trying to go back to the brethren, speak of how they're going to 'lead church meetings' in one breath, and how many woman they've had(or are having) in another. Hmm????? And while I try to be patient and understand, it makes absolutely zero sense to me. It's a shame that 'life in the world' to them has hardly been life, but rather a big mess of confusion and I wish they could've explored more. Anyway, each to their own. The brethren will sort them out financially, job wise and they'll get to see their families regularly. I can see how that can be tempting for some!
Anyhooooo....Jo is coming to visit for the weekend and I can't wait to see her!! I have to run! Love ya'all!
Hay Sharon
I am so terrible at keeping in touch, i am so sorry!We take it for granted that everyone will always just be there, when in actaul fact, they wont. So, i would like to say.... that i am so, so proud of you. You have come so far and you deserve every bit of happiness that comes your way. I just wish i could meet the lucky man, you know, just to make sure he's good for you! LOL! I think about you often and miss you. I know i am part of your "old" life, but, im still your friend and wish you all the very best for ever and always.
Hugs and tons of kisses
Love Angie
you said that you were critized for putting your thoughts on your blog--Fairy, if that is what you want to do, then let noone stop you. Opening up and becoming vulnerable can play a crucial role in the healing process and in maintaining a steady, even keel. Additionally, an important part of your beauty as a person is your honesty and candor, and your blog is where one gets a real sense of it. Blog, sister, blog. The world is a richer place for your blogging.
Ahoy my fairy hobbit sista's!! Yes, Jo is so right, blog your thoughts, no matter what others may think of them. This is your space, your expression and it is a part of the magnificant and beautiful masterpiece of your soul. People will always critize and judge that which they do not understand and even fear. Dont let that hold back...even the smallest nut gives rise to the mightiest oak tree. Your blog is a treasure, just like you and when the others are ready to see the light of real life and love and the universe, then they will know and understand the truth. Light and love sister Lobelia from the far south tip of Africa - I send her rymthmic beats over the oceans to your heart. Love you sister! OB xxx
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