Make your own 'milk'!!!
No not mothers milk...that happens naturally when you have a baby! The wonders of nature!
We've been experimenting with making our own milk replacement as we no longer drink cows milk (Refer to My Healthy Obsession blog post for why)
Everyone says "wow!! How amazing!" But it's just so easy! All you need is a liquidizer (and the ingredients, of course!). It works out much cheaper than buying it already made (and much cheaper than cows milk) and we can choose organic ingredients and no that the 'milk' has no funny additives or preservatives, and has no weird dioxins perhaps leaked from packaging.
We've experimented with Rice milk quite a bit and it never turns out quite like the Rice Dream that you buy (possibly because they use white rice and we prefer to use untampered with brown rice), but it's still pretty good.
Rice Milk
1 cup COOKED brown rice
3 cups water
1 tspn vanilla essence
Brown unrefined sugar/honey/dates or agave syrup to taste (we normally use about 2 teaspoons sugar)
Whizz up in liquidizer for a couple of minutes and then pour through cheesecloth, muslin or similar
Almond Milk (yum yum...especially nice fresh!)
1 cup of Almonds (soak overnight)
3 cups water
Same optional extra's and same directions as rice milk!
Oat Milk
1 cup oats
4 cups water
1 tspn vanilla essence
Brown unrefined sugar/honey/dates or agave syrup to taste (we normally use about 2 teaspoons sugar)
Whizz up in liquidizer for a couple of minutes, leave to stand for about 8 hours and then pour through cheesecloth, muslin or similar
The remaining bits from all these can be mixed with flour, raisins, oil, seeds, sugar and whatever else you fancy, and made into biscuits!
Steven also made Soy milk, but we need to perfect that before passing on the recipe. We used the leftover bits to make falafels...yum yum! We used organic, non-gm soybeans.

Sounds fantastic I will try to make it myself. I am getting better with my diet and I am trying to replace the meat with veggie burgers and sausages.
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