Top 12 foods you should never eat non-organic
So if a caterpillar dies during one short trip over an apple these days, what are the pesticides in and on these apples doing to our bodies?
The link between common household pesticides and fetal defects, neurological damage and the most deadly cancers is strong enough that family doctors in Ontario are urging citizens to avoid the chemicals in any form. The frightening message came yesterday when the Ontario College of Family Physicians released the most comprehensive study ever done in Canada on the chronic effects of pesticide exposure at home, in the garden and at work. "The review found consistent evidence of the health risks to patients with exposure to pesticides," the study said, naming brain cancer, prostate cancer, kidney cancer, pancreatic cancer and leukemia among many other acute illnesses. As well, the college found consistent links between parents' exposure to certain agricultural pesticides at their jobs and effects on a growing fetus ranging from damage to death. The risks, they concluded, can come even from residue on food, ant spray and the tick collar on the family cat. The researchers also found that children are far more vulnerable to the effects of pesticides than adults because their bodies are growing, they have a greater skin surface in proportion to their size than adults, they ingest more food for their size than adults and they often have less-developed systems to excrete chemicals.
Obviously it is still really expensive to buy all organic foods, so here are some of the worst ones, ones that we should never really be eating non-organic. If we decrease the demand for non-organic food and increase the demand for organic food, prices will hopefully reduce a bit. It goes without saying that organic foods are much more labour intensive, thus prices will always probably be higher.
Highest to Lowest Pesticide rates:
1. Peach
2. Apple
3. Bell peppers
4. Celery
5. Nectarine
6. Strawberry
7. Cherry
8. Kale
9. Lettuce
10. Grapes
11. Carrots
12. Pears
For a more comprehensive list check this out
What can you do to protect yourself?
1. Select organic fruit and vegetables whenever possible. Wash or peel non-organic produce.
2. Choose fruits and vegetables in season. This means that your exposure to the chemicals used to delay ripening, prolong shelf-life, preserve colour and so on, will be limited.
3. Supplement your diet with antioxidant nutrients-vitamins A, C, and E, and the minerals zinc and selenium-since the detoxification of many pesticides involves these nutrients.

Spraying pesticides....Imagine some of the harm this is doing to wildlife in the area too.
Apparently coffee, tea, tomatoes, milk, meat & potatoes are also way up there!!! Let's take care of ourselves!!
What will happen if i am going to eat them?
I can't see the future, so I don't know. But you will have a build-up of pesticides in your system and this could lead to illness and disease.
"The link between common household pesticides and fetal defects, neurological damage and the most deadly cancers is strong enough that family doctors in Ontario are urging citizens to avoid the chemicals in any form."
@ Solgar Vitamins: I take your pregnancy vitamins by the way...and my daughter takes your Kiddies multivitamins. ;-)
I have been reading all the information and I would like to improve my diet, but I do think that becoming a vegan is very difficult. At the moment I am getting organic veggies, I don't eat much red meat but I eat fish and I don't drink cows milk. Have u tried rice milk?
I can't wait to see u next article.
Sounds like you're doing well Patty!Baby steps! I'm not trying to convince anyone to become vegan, even though we've made that choice ourselves. Although we're not 100% vegan because we still have honey, etc.
Yes, I do drink rice milk. We've been making our own rice, oat & almond milk. It seems you can make milk from lots of things and it works out much cheaper than buying.And then you also know there are no weird additives. We're trying to get our rice milk as nice as Rice Dream! I'll post some recipes soon!
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