The Easter Bunny bringeth changes..
Last weekend the easter bunny snuck into my life and sprinkled it with chocolate bunny dust

Good friday was erm, not so good, since the easter bunny vanished so i was feeling pretty tired & out of it...was still worth the good dance session & getting to see me mates though!! The sun was shining, but as much as i wanted to get out, my feet(and head) needed i slept until i was awakened in the afternoon by the arrival of Dallas & his girlfriend Marianne from the Isle of Mann. Dallas was one of the guys that lived and worked in Florida with me, Jo, Shellz & Somayya. It was great to catch up with him and meet his woman. We went to the Crown (the pub i used to work at) for food and a few drinks, and then bought some beer from the offie and Somayya & her friend Chris joined us at home. It was good to see my darling Somayya again too! Dallas & Marriane have since convinced me that the Isle of Mann is a definite destination, since they have mushrooms that grow in a perfect circle, called fairy rings(pic below), there's also a bridge that if you cross over and if don't wave to the faeries your car has a blowout a mile up the road, and there's plenty of nature worship & tree-hugging going on i would be happy as a pig in shit, and probably never leave. If you don't believe in fairies, you better start believing!! Dallas doing a 'twirly wirly' to somayya. Somayya, Marriane, Dallas, Me & Chris.

Saturday was sprinkled with chilled out white chocolate bunny dust. Jo & I woke early when Dallas & Marriane left and then just relaxed in our pyjamas till about 12 when we went to meet Cat, who came in from Coventry to spend a hobbity easter weekend. We headed for the Natural History Museum, but the queue was horrendous, so we headed to Hyde Park. The weather soon turned cold, as it is famous for doing in this beautiful we headed to Knightsbridge to meet Somayya and then to the V&A Museum , which is a museum of decorative arts. They had an exhibition called 'Modernism' on which i'd have loved to see, but it was pretty expensive. Anyway the 4 of us got lost in art for a while, oh sculptures just make me feel something. I cannot explain it. I know nothing of famous sculptors, and have not attempted to sculpt anything myself ever, besides a paper mache pig in primary school...he he! Sculptures just put me in another space, kind of similar to fairyland, and i could just get lost in them forever. Maybe i think too deeply, wondering what they represent, or why the artist did something a certain way, or filling my mind with the mythology behind them. The bottom 2 are cool, "Valour & Cowardice" and "Truth & Falsehood".

On Saturday night darling Kitty Cat made the most delicious pasta, and Somayya, Jojo, Albert and my new ex-pb friend Bradley just sat around and chatted, danced and had a wonderful relaxing evening! Once again it is great to meet someone who shares the same past, goes through the same emotions and yet is not bitter and angry. Respect to Bradley!
On Sunday morning we woke up early and Cat, Jo & I headed for Speakers Corner in Hyde Park. Click here to read up about it. I'm tempted to quote the whole passage, but i'll leave you to read it yourself. All I can say is that if you haven't been and you are interested in history, politics & religion and you have an open mind...then you have to go. Prepare to have your mindsets challenged!! It is so very interesting! I had to rush off and go have Easter lunch with my 'other parents' Rob & Sheila, who were over from SA visiting their daughter in Barnes. It was wonderful to be amongst family!! Their were 6 kids running around, hunting for easter eggs, and delicious food, and of course company of people very very close to my heart! Rob & Sheila mean a lot to me! Not only have they been good to me, but they are un-judging & kind and always waiting with open arms whenever i need a hug. If I was Christian I'd want to be like them! Well I want to be like them anyway, but you know what I mean. 4 of their grandchildren stuffing their faces after the most exciting easter egg hunt!!! Gorgeous huh?
Sunday night we just chilled Kitty, Jo, Oscie & I just chilled out at home together and most of monday was really really lazy, until kitty headed back to Coventry and Jo, Oscie, my housemate Luke & I headed for the park, relaxed and played poi. Jojo has found a room to stay in in Canada Water, she's moving on the 10th of May...and I will miss her so incredibly much!! I'm going to have to get used to sleeping alone again ;o( Don't gooo, Joooooo! She is undoubtebly my soul sister and I love her to bits. I'm definitely going to share her bed when i have time off from my caring job though!!
On Wednesday I did rather a massive thing. I blame the easter bunnies mental impulsive chocolate bunny dust. Or rather thank him/her/it. I handed in my months notice at my work, where I've been for a year. I've applied with a few Care agencies to do Live-in carework, where I could be placed anywhere in the UK for 3 weeks at a time. I figured I only have 6 months left on my visa, so i may as well work a more rewarding job, get paid better and hopefully get a bit more travels in. I will also have a less hectic social life and get time to concentrate on my Business Plan & Sociology. What then? Who knows, I don't want to go back home yet! Nishimatsu was very cool about it, since business is so quiet at the moment...however i've been kept very busy this week since my Supervisor's gone on maternity leave...hence no blogging up until today! I have experience in carework, since my granny was basically bedridden with Osteoporosis for 10 years and my mom & i looked after her mostly and I looked after a paraplegic guy in South Africa for 3 months, plus I helped Mikey through his first hectic 6 months of Chemotherapy, so this all stands me in good stead for a decent placement.
I heard a couple of days ago from my sister-in-laws sister, Allison, who left the peebs a few years ago, that my eldest brother, Rob and his wife Asti are expecting their 3rd child!! They have Michaela (11) and Jayden (9) so this will be a proper 'laat lammetjie' (late lamb - directly translated). I am so happy for them, it will be lovely and good for them i think. Selfishly, I'm sad, it's hard to think they are going to have a child and I'll have another neice/nephew that i'll probably never know. Oh I miss them! It would be so great to hear from Rob, well all my siblings actually... I wander about them so often!
Last night i went to see The Mighty Boosh. My housemate & friend Luke, is a lampie and has been doing the lighting for this show for the past 3 months so I got a backstage pass, and got to meet and mix with celebrities...ha ha! Not that it thrills me like it thrills the screaming girls who wait outside the back exit to get autographs. I can't help treating them like normal people, i don't do that whole 'ooh, aah! i worship you' stuff. Although if it were Brad Pitt or Angelina Jolie it may be different! he he! The Mighty Boosh is a theatre type comedy show, and also a TV series. The humour is silly, vulgar & sides were aching by the end of it. It was also interesting to sit by Luke and watch him doing the lighting. One wrong push of a button and the whole show is f*cked up. I don't think i'll ever fully understand how it all works, but it was very fascinating to get another aspect of theatre! We went for drinks backstage afterwards and it ended up being a pretty late night, but well worth it!
This weekend is what a change! And very welcome too! Although I may go out into the countryside tomorrow to visit Bryony and meet her's not fair that she always missions to London, besides it will be amazing to get out of the big smoke. I reckon Jo and I will probably do drum circle in Camden on Sunday(so i guess it's not really plan-less), and maybe get some more poi practice in! I'm doing a sun-dance!
A poem in the V&A Museum, below a beautiful sculpture. It made me think of precious Mikey, and my dad, the bestest dad ever, and I smiled.
Have a wonderful weekend and be safe!
Lots of love & peace from the Wandering Fairy xoxoxox
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